7 tips to keep your skin from drying out this winter

Winter brings with it snow, skiing, dressing with layers (who doesn’t love that?) and for most of us dry skin. Low Humidity, low temperatures and central heating can really affect your skin, that’s why looking after your skin during winter is a really important task. And if you thought the sun was your friend in wither think again, the harsh UV rays are still present despite the cooler weather. We still have some time left before we don’t have to brave the cold so even starting later in the season will still do you a world of good. Plus do you really want dry, flaky skin?

Here are a few tips that will keep your skin moisturised and healthy and also earn you some cashback along the way!

  1. Hydrate yourself: You need to stay hydrated – all year round for various reasons, but also to keep your skin looking dewy and full of moisture. Also, make sure you are cutting out the salty food, increase your water intake and focus on eating liquidy foods like soups and plenty of vegetables. You want to moisturize from the inside out as well as the outside in.
  2. Moisturise: You need two really good moisturisers, one for your body and one for your face – that isn’t too heavy and greasy. To avoid clogging your pores, try to avoid moisturisers that have lanolin in them or contain a large percentage of it. Also moisturise or apply lotion after your shower as this will help lock in the moisture provided by the shower. Shop a range of moisturisers and lotions from retailers like Chemist Warehouse, Priceline Pharmacy, David Jones and more, plus earn cashback!
  3. Avoid taking long hot baths or showers during the winter months: Yes, I know that this is a big ask, but you’ll thank me later! Hot water can actually take moisture out of your skin and when you’re already fighting the elements you don’t want to add this battle to your body. Instead, take showers with the water being a moderate temperature.
  4. Exfoliate your skin regularly: exfoliate with a gentle body scrub a few times a week to ensure all the dry and dead skin cells are removed. Remember to also exfoliate your lips as well to ensure they look hydrated and plump. You can get a range of different body and lip scrubs from Priceline Pharmacy to suit your skin type and scent preference. And you’ll also earn cashback on your purchase.
  5. Watch what you’re putting on your skin: Don’t use products that contain alcohol in them during the winter months. Things like toners have alcohol in them as do some cleansers, alcohol dries the skin. End of story. So, opt for products that don’t have alcohol in them or at the very least contain the tiniest amount. But as a general rule – don’t use them at all!
  6. Protect yourself from UV rays: Just because it’s not hot, it doesn’t mean the sun’s rays aren’t strong (the hole in the ozone layer doesn’t take a break). So, make sure that you wear sunscreen and protect your eyes with a good pair of sunglasses. Shop sunglasses from Quay, David Jones and THE ICONIC and earn cashback.
  7. Bring moisture to your home: Ok, you’ve done the above so know let’s bring it to the home. Heating from heaters and air conditioning can really dry out the air. Investing in a humidifier can break the dry air and introduce some moisture into the room. Purchase a humidifier from The Good Guys, eBay and other retailers and earn cashback.

Remember, the more moisture your skin has the better you’ll look and feel!


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